Leading the industry of bioinspired robotics

Vishwa Robotics

Leading the industry of bioinspired robotics

VISHWA ROBOTICS is leading the industry of bioinspired robotics especially human machine interfaces, humanoid robotics and cybernetics Research and Development (R&D). We are the designers of core bioinspired robotics components, especially with advantages in miniaturization, high precision, high durability and force control technology. 


Highly dexterous graspers modeled after the human hand anatomy

Micro Muscle

Small integrated linear servo system

Electric Gripper

Mechanical end-effector commonly used in pick-and-place applications in industrial automation


Highly dexterous graspers modeled after the human hand anatomy

Electric Gripper

Mechanical end-effector commonly used in pick-and-place applications in industrial automation

Micro Muscle

Small integrated linear servo system